Why reduce synthetic fertilizers?
Why reduce synthetic fertilizers? Did you know, that for the last 50 years, farmers around the world have used synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, so they can boost their crop yields. And drive the 20th century’s rapid agricultural intensification. But, in their fervor to increase yields. They’ve often dosed their crops with more nitrogen than the plants can absorb.
Synthetic Fertilizers Kill Soil Life & Cause Nutrient-Deficiencies

Elaine Ingham
Is an American microbiologist and soil biology researcher and founder of Soil Foodweb Inc. She is known as a leader in soil microbiology and research of the soil food web. She is an author of the USDA’s Soil Biology Primer.
The total amount of nitrogen that is put on the land, is about three times as much, as the amount that the plants can actually absorbed. In terms of harvest. Most of it ends up as runoff, or collects in lagoons, where it ultimately leaches into the water table. The impacted communities are about as visible as an underground water table.
This lack of visibility doesn’t make the problem any less pronounced. Many residents in these town’s spend up to a fifth of their income on bottled water. Which is in addition to the $60 a month they must spend. Just to have contaminated “drinking water” delivered to their home in the first place. If you don’t break out in welts after bathing, “you are still inhaling the toxins through the steam of the shower, many people think that boiling the water will rid it of nitrates when in fact, in doing so, it’ll triples the concentration.
The excess is now causing serious air and water pollution and threatening human health.
Grow Switch believes that a core shift in farm practices with conventional farming will be crucial to stopping the pollution from getting worse.