Preseason fruits are here. This plants are approaching 3 years old(their 3rd year since transplanted), and counting.

FullOn helps this trees to be as productive as possible. It brought out the plants’ full potential. Made them grow/grew more vigorous that resulted in lesser growing input needs, like cide(s) and NPK(s).

Cacao trees that display characteristics (phenotypes) like this, is not usual. You would consider somethings like,
- Variety
- Ideal Growing Environment
- Good “Okay” Regimen
- Good “Okay” Growing Skill-sets
To get this kind of result, considering those above mentioned is needed. Having a good regimen and growing skill-sets is already an advantage, specially when you have an optimum regimen mix compared to other grower that doesn’t have or just relying on conventional methods only.
That being said. I want to share to you a fact, that I have observed, that no matter what the variety is, as long as you have a good regimen. Your result will always be better compared to one that doesn’t have any.
I made an experiment, with the same variety. The other one have better growing environment than the other but doesn’t have any good regimen. The result was still in favor to the one that does have a good regimen. And this 3 years old cacao trees is one of those experiment.
The productivity of this trees shown here are 80% +++ more compared to the control (trees that doesn’t have a good regimen).
To make the story short, if you add FullOn in your (conventional) regimen(s), you would definitely get better result(s) compared to one that uses conventional regimen only. And that’s a real life story backed with fact(s). And to prove it by yourself, you need to try considering using this product.
For more info regarding FullOn, please visit: